The Giro Remedy Full Face Bike Helmet is hands down the best bang for your buck, when it comes to full-faced bike helmets. Whether you're into Downhill Mountain Biking, Dual Slalom, Dirt Jumping, or Bmx riding you'll love all that this helmet has to offer. It's a tough, comfortable, good looking, uncostly helmet and that's why we bought it, use it, and love it!
This fiber glass shell helmet comes in nine fresh and sharp color schemes. The design offers 14 vents with internal air channeling to keep your head cool while bombing through those rock gardens. The Remedy features a 3 bolt visor, washable interior liner, and the popular Eva lined chin bar. The fiberglass Giro Remedy Helmet weighs 1050 grams, which is not bad for such an aggressive helmet. If you ride hard, you won't care about the weight of this helmet, you'll worry about protecting your head! If you're a "gram counter" or just aware about weight, Giro offers a Carbon S Remedy version. As always, this helmet complies with U.S. Consumer product safety Commission's safety standards for bicycle helmets.
Real Life Riding Test
We put the Giro Remedy to the test.
Our first test was at the local dirt jumps. We hit the dirt jumps and sure enough it involved a nice head "smack" to the deal with bars when landing the first set. The Giro Remedy Helmet worked! Helmet score of "1", injury "0". This is exactly why we bought this helmet! reliance in your protective tool will help you go big when jumping!
The second test was a brief urban strike through town. While attempting to pull a by hand off of a loading dock, the bike came back too far foremost to a nice "head smack" on the pavement. Giro Remedy Helmet score of "2", injury "0".
The third test was at the local Bmx track. On our fourth pass through the park, we hit a table top with maximum speed, which resulted in a "bail out" of the bike and a nice "tuck and roll" on the track. Giro Remedy Bike Helmet score of "3", injury "0".
A great helmet like the Remedy instills reliance in your riding. This new found reliance may cause more crashes, but will improve your riding ability!
Price Point
We have seen this helmet sell for a prices between 0 and 0. A helmet of this potential in other builder model lines could cost you more than 0. We believe that when it comes to your noggin, a good potential full faced helmet under 0 dollars is a steal.
Bottom Line
Head safety is to be taken very seriously. We ride hard and have the scars and bruises to prove it! A concentrate years ago, a member of our house came short of a "double" during a dual slalom race and landed on his face. A concentrate shots of morphine and an ambulance ride later he had his mouth wired shut and an oral surgeon's business card.
It's vital to purchase and wear the acceptable head gear and that's why we believe that the Giro Full Faced Remedy Bike Helmet will do the job at a spectacular price.
present - Giro Remedy Full Face Bike Helmet