Using a recumbent stationary bike has very many advantages, which is why this type of rehearsal bike has come to be so beloved the last few years. Really, when compared to former up right and standing rehearsal bikes and elliptical trainers, the advantages come down to the following:
[b]Bike Review[/b]First, a stationary recumbent bike allows you to get a great cardio workout while sitting down. This allows you to not have to worry about your body weight being exerted on your knees, back, and other muscles, allowing you to integrate more specifically on the cardio workout. By not having this extra stress on your body, sure population are able to get a great cardio workout in each and every day by using recumbent bikes. If you are person with bad back, neck, or knee problems that keep you from standing up for long and extended periods of time, then maybe this type of bike is just what you need to stay in shape and keep your body's muscles, bones, and ligaments healthy at the same time.
The second advantage of such a bike is that you are not forced to hunch over to grab any kind of handles as you would with both upright rehearsal bikes and elliptical trainers. While this question is not quite as big of an issue with elliptical trainers (when you grab an elliptical's cope bars you don't hunch over quite as much), it is still a very big concern. Repeating hunching over can cause serious problems for your back and neck as it puts unwanted stress on those muscles.
Advantages of Recumbent Stationary Bikes