One of the growing trends in cycling is the ability to originate your own bike built to your own specifications. You can do this by going to a scholar bike maker but that can get in effect expensive. One of the ways a lot of population end up with a practice built bike is through the gradual customisation of their existing bike.
One of the first things that tends to be changed in the handlebar and this could be for a integrate of reasons. Firstly, because the riding position isn't quite right for the rider, maybe they have to have too much of their body weight over the handlebars production them feel unstable or maybe the handlebars feel too far away to operate the bike properly. The other infer is essentially to improve the looks of your bike and to maybe make it stand out a minuscule from everybody else. New handlebars are one of the easiest changes to make which will address all of the above.
There are many dissimilar types of handlebar organize available as after-market products to help you decide a problem with your riding position or simply to improve the looks of your bike.
Drop Handlebars
Drop handlebars are the type of handlebar you traditionally see on road bikes or track cycles. They have a short straight tube which then bends away from the rider and drops into a deep C shape. This allows the rider to adopt a whole of riding positions. A casual ride may mean a more upright position with the hands resting on top of the handlebars. A racing position will more than likely want the rider to drop his body forwards with his hands on the bottom part of the C.
Flat Handlebars
Flat handlebars are the type of handlebar you ordinarily see on a mountain bike. These tend to have a more or less straight tube which may curve very slightly towards the rider.
Riser Handlebars
Riser handlebars are a difference of the flat handlebar mentioned above but they rise upwards from the centre clamp area. This organize allows for a shorter distance to the rider's hands and so will allow him to adopt a riding position where his body isn't so much over the front wheel.
Pursuit Handlebars
Pursuit handlebars, which are also sometimes known as bull horn handlebars because of their appearance. Their use comes from dedicated track racing where the position is ideal for pursuit riding. One way in which you could make your own bullhorn handlebars if you have a road bike is to cut the drop off your drop handlebars and remount them upside down. This won't be a exquisite clarification but it will give you a similar riding position.
There are many other variations of the above which have been industrialized for dissimilar purposes and specialisms and it is always worth having a good look colse to at what'a available as there is bound to be something that will give you the effect you are finding for.
Customise Your Bike - New Handlebars