Most mountain bikers love low maintenance equipment. I don't know why but it just seems to go along with the sport. We like bikes that are tough, that can take a beating and keep on ticking. I guess it comes from being 10 miles deep in the woods with no cell phone signal. We want bikes and components that are simple and that work great. We don't have a race team to come get us, we don't have Tv cameras watching and satellite phones to call for help. We've got our bike, a small tool kit and anything we can carry. Knowing this, it's no wonder that the RockShox Reba is one of the most widely loved mountain bike forks on the planet.
The Rock Shox Reba Race fork is preponderant for its low maintenance features, and it is also fairly easy to arrange and get it going. Here are the features of this marvelous fork:
o The Rock Shox Reba Race fork is equipped with a dual air chamber that is found on the left side. This highlight basically allows you to regulate the sensitivity of the fork. Now setting the sensitivity would depend on the type of track you will be riding. Here is an example. The Rock Shox Reba Race fork beyond doubt has two chambers, which compress air. If you feel like a bumpy ride and don't want any fork movement whatsoever, what you have to do is fill up the inevitable top chamber. If on the other hand you feel like you have been for a tough workout to the gym after your ride, you might want to reconsider adding some pressure to the negative chamber. This will allow for more fork movement, and the shock will be more receptive to road bumps. The Rock Shox Reba Race allows you to adjust at will.
o The Rock Shox Reba Race Fork is set up with a very beneficial pop-lock. This lever will allow you to lock, and while saddling on a climb, you can grind as hard as you feel like. This highlight also offers you 10 millimetres to 20 millimetres of travel when locked, thus your cycle will not be so unforgiving. The Rock Shox Reba Race fork also comes with a floodgate, such that in case you meet a beyond doubt tough jolt, it will set off the lock. The Rock Shox Reba Race fork is beyond doubt incredible, with its low maintenance and marvelous features, and assorted settings, it's beyond doubt a fork you will wonder why you've gone so long without it.
RockShox Reba Mountain Bike Fork relate