With a name like Dc/Pk Ripper Fixed Gear you have to assume you are getting a product that is made to wreck the competition-whatever the competition is. In this case, you are talking about a bicycle. And this is not your everyday bicycle. It is designed and qualified to out ride the competition leaving them in a trail of orange and white dust. But before you race out to buy it, take a moment to educate yourself on the specifications that make this bike unique.
Fixed Gear Bicycles can be inviting to learn. If you are not familiar with how they work, it is not simply a particular gear bike for pedaling around the flat city streets. Get to know the fixed gear review. This kind has pedals that always move in sync with the request for retrial of the tires. Unlike the everyday ten-speed cycles, if you pedal a fixed gear backwards, you can ride it in reverse. Cruising down steep hills too is a bit different. If you are used to simply coasting, you cannot do so with this gear arrangement. The pedals always move with the tires. Practice is needful for a new rider. But for the experienced cyclist the benefits of a fixed gear are only the starting of this bikes story.
The frame is made from Aluminum Floval Tubing, a lightweight, sturdy metal construction. The Rush brake principles stops on a dime. While you will need to get your own pedals if you ride with clips and shoes, if you like the free foot experience, the Practice pedals have great grip. The whole bicycle is made for speed and, of course, to draw attention. With its Dc Neon Orange paint, it is hard to miss the zippy machine racing about town.
With a price tag of one thousand dollars, this bike is for serious riders and collectors only. Come to be familiar with a few Dc/Pk Ripper divulge sites so you can be sure this is the bike for you. It does have a wide range of Seat Tube Lengths for shorter bodied riders and taller folks as well, development it accessible to most people. If you have not enjoyed a fixed gear bicycle before, go to a bike shop and experiment with a few before development the commitment. But remember, this is a wee addition cycle. Each one is individually numbered. When they sell the final frame, they will never be made again.
Dc-Pk Ripper Fixed Gear bike enumerate